So, I love people and the different things that make us. I also love Harveys. That happens to be one thing that has drawn many different women into my life. I am thrilled to be able to say that I consider these many different women my friends. A new friend in my life.....
Mandy Silman Herbert from Eagle, Idaho
“My name is Mandy Silman Herbert and for the last eleven years I have lived in Idaho. For the first thirty years of my life I lived 45 minutes from Disneyland which is the result of my lifelong obsession with anything Mouse House related. I first became aware of Harveys when browsing through a Disney blog online I saw the amazing Disney Messenger. I ran screaming through the house for my husband who having been married to me for 14 years was able to remain calm. Because I am married to an amazing man who also values peace he called the Disney Ears number the next day and my new bag was on its way. He mentally patted himself on the back and thought it was over. Sometimes he forgets who he is married to :) Obsessed with my new bag I had to find out more. And so it began.

I was already a purseaholic when I found my way to the Harveys page. It felt like coming home. Since our only child is a boy I thought my bags were safe. They were until the little boy discovered Scully. He luffs "his" Scully so much and I often have to comb the house to find his latest hiding place. I don’t have the heart to not share with him.
Then there are our nine four legged children. Two barkers and seven meowers. There is no way to get a picture of them all together without a trip to the ER. Because the sides of the bags are hard the cats spend hours rubbing their little faces against them. I don’t have the heart to not share with them either but because they have all their claws I watch them very carefully.
I was never a football fan but you can’t live in Idaho and not love our Boise Broncos. They won their first major championship when I was eight months pregnant and I got so excited I thought I went into labor. I was beyond excited when Harveys released the Mandarin line. Besides the fact that it is a gorgeous bright orange it is a perfect Broncos color. My hubby found blue ribbon and put in together for me and now we just need a patch and some bling and you have the perfect Broncos bag.
Here is my current bag, the incredible MCKY boat tote. This is my favorite design of all the Harveys bags but I have a small obsession with the cherries too. I always need a bigger bag because apart from my stuff I usually get handed my hubby’s keys and wallet and whatever the little boy cannot live without at that time. He tends to store toys on there as do our cats who have "killed" a toy and then "buried" it in my purse as a gift. I have been known to pull out a catnip mouse or squeaky toy at a register while try to pay. It’s my version of a clown car.

After I dumped my purse and finished screaming because I thought the cat feathers were a dead animal (which has happened before) I realized I also have a small lip balm and gloss obsession. Also in my makeup case are my summer perfumes, sunscreen wipe, mascara, and blotting stuff. My minnie holds my eyeglass wipes and eye drops. My phone, Rowans toys and crayons, my non Harveys wallet ( I'm getting there ok ) one of my current books, Xanax for panic attacks, Harvey cards of course, a notebook and pen for lists, my datebook to keep track of my dad’s Dr appts. Hand lotion and sanitizer. I keep a separate bag in the car with extra clothes for Rowan and a first aid kit. I can’t carry it because Rowan will keep coming up with new boo boos until he has used all the band aids.

It’s not all about Harveys though. It started with Harveys, and Harveys will always be the biggest part of it but there is another side to it. Their fans. Harveys has the most amazing fans called sisters. A group of women spread all over the country, they are sweet and sassy and the most horrid enablers ever. They support each other, trade and help find bags, and send gifts to those who are sick or need cheering up. Most of us have not met and despite this it’s them I go to when celebrating a new bag or a need to vent. I wonder if Harveys ever dreamed that their company would be the start of something so amazing.
Before I leave you I want to say thank you to Mindy Harris for letting me be this week’s dump girl and for writing this terrific blog. I also want to say thank you to the Harveys for their incredible bags. You have created an amazing world.”
Thank You Mandy!! I was thrilled when you said yes to be our dumper this week and even more thrilled by your own excitement!!
Next month I will be making a pilgrimage (of sorts) to California. I will be in town for the Fall LTD release in Santa Ana. I will have the HUGE privilege of meeting some of my fellow sisters. Many of my other sisters will be in Omaha, NE for a special Release at Material Girl.
You can find your own Harveys Bag on their website or by finding a store near you where they are sold. Have a great week!!