Monday, May 30, 2011

Super Simple Kisses (and Reese's) Cookies

Today was about making cookies. The boys were not much into the jam but I thought this was more up their train of thought. So we made Super Simple Kisses Cookies. And for the Reese's loves, some of those, too.

Here is what we used.

This was simple and something the boys could help with.

After I sprayed the muffin pans, the boys broke apart the cookies and places one square in each muffin place. Our one package made 24.

Place cookies in the oven and bake as directed cutting of about 2 minutes of cooking time.

While the cookies were baking I divided up the candy we were using so both boys had their own.

Quickly after pulling the cookies out I used a rounded end kitchen tool to lightly compress the center of each cookie.

Then, being very careful not to touch the hot pan, the boys placed one piece of candy in each cookie. I decided to place the cookies back in the oven for another minute to melt the candy a bit more.

So with help from the boys we have our Super Simple Kisses or Reese's Cookies!!

1 comment:

  1. Your Boys are so cute. I love that you're teaching them how to cook. For Mother's Day my girls wanted to bake Mommy a carrot cake (Melanie's Fave). I'm not a very good cook but I looked up a recipe and we somehow managed to pull it off. I'll definitely have to do this one with them next.
